Bad reception and poor customer services

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I am paying monthly service fee and other charges for what??? If Sprint can't provide me better service (reception) then I dont see the point for sticking with their contract... I want to terminate the contract, just because I am not getting good reception as they should have provided. Help me out... Coz every time I tried to contact the customer support the wait time is never less than half hour to an hour... What kind of cr*p is that...

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
Site: sprintpcs.com
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Sprint PCS
Ripoff disappointed with their service and my phone's reception (no reception at all)

AWFUL SPRINT PHONE SERVICE - Sprint mobile phone provide

No cell reception and no plans for towers in area - HTC 4G Lte

Sprint Review

Sprint Pcs
Don't use!

Sprint Cell Phone Services
Consumer Report

Fee hungry & don't care about customer service

Sprint PCS
Poor to no reception at home Internet

Nextel - Sprint
Nextel service is a crap shoot but I am still being charged for early termination fee

Cingular Wireless
Ripoff, poor reception, not providing what is advertised