House of Sofas
After several times visiting the

Shops, Products, Services

After several times visiting the retail store, House of Sofas in Ann Arbor, MI, and sitting on a great sofa/chair combo, and being WOOed by the clever and funny salesman, I put my money down and bought the set. Gorgeous, I thought - it will look SUPER in my new living room. Boyfriend liked it, friends liked it, all was sunny and good. I sold the old sofa to make room, since the salesman said "Sure, we'll have it here in 2-3 weeks." Perfect!

Fast forward: picture poor me, sitting on the FLOOR of my lovely new living room, 3 weeks after the fact. But where's the lovely new sofa and chair? Seems it was "backordered" and no one can tell me when it will come. Hmm, but I'm told it may be soon, so I hang in there. After all, they have 1/2 the money on deposit.

Fast forward: picture poor me, continuing to sit on the FLOOR of my lovely living room, 5 weeks after the fact. Still no sofa and chair (and the lovely image has faded from memory). Again, insufficient communication, plus, now, a cranky store owner who certainly doesn't believe that the customer is right, or in making things right for customers. I'm scared to call him back - he's not a pleasant man to talk to.

Apparently, word on the street is that a truck with my sofa and chair may be leaving the warehouse on Sunday, but there's no idea when it may be delivered. They can't check, and can't give me details.

Sure it would be nice to watch a few bowl games on the sofa, but I've kinda made a dent in the carpet with my hiney already.

So, final recommendation: do not buy anything from House of Sofa in Ann Arbor, MI. Unless, of course, you don't care when it arrives, or how you are treated when you ask the owner for assistance or compensation.

Company: House of Sofas
Country: USA
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House of Sofas
Poor customer service

Haynes Furniture Company
Of Richmond, ripoff Order a sofa and had a chair delivered. Haynes refuse to bring the sofa out the same day. Ripoff rude inconvience sorry does not fix the problem!

Hudon - Broyhill Furniture
Does not deliver on date, makes excuses, said make furniture when ordered. No warehouse. Did not do what contract reads on bill of sale. They owe me for all the hassle & waiting. Ripoff

TRS With Knoxville Wholesale Furniture
Refuses to change furniture I have had for only 2 weeks

The Brick
Broken couch

Lane Furniture Industies Inc
Lane Claudia 637 sofa and chair - Lane Claudia 637 sofa and chai

Baer's Furniture
Bad customer service

Crate and Barrel
Buyer beware

Macy's Furniture Store
Macy's Furniture Gallery, FL, sold me a damaged sofa, but sold to me as in "fine condition". This was false advertising. The sofa now is sagging in the suchions and with debris coming up

The Room Place
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