Arizona Public Services
Disconnected for dep

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I have been at the same residents for almost 7 years now and at the beginning I was charged a 150 dollar deposit to have my electric turned on. After 1 year service in good terms my deposit was applied toward my bill. Well through the years I have switched jobs a few times and in between jobs I struggled to make sure all my bills got payed. I am an average person not perfect but through the hard times I made sure everyone got there share. I did get a little behind and which caused APS to throw a red flag on my acct. At that time they required me to pay another deposit of which I could not afford. After litterally hours and hours of begging and pleaing with them to waive my deposit they finally decide to work with me and not waive my deposit but monitor my acct. Well this has been going on for over three years now and everytime I might get a little behind I have to spend hours and hours of begging and pleaing with them to leave my electric on and again waive my deposit. Like I said I am not perfect but I do go out and work my tail off 40 hours a week to make ends meet and overall they get there money every month and if it is late they get a late charge. On my may bill it was 177 dollars and when I made a payment i only had 150 left to my name and paying at a pay station that charges 2 dollars for the transaction leaving the ammt I paid at that time of 148 dollars leaving my balance of around 25 dollars and on my next paycheck I paid the remainder of the balance. Well I thought the payment had been paid on time but paying at the pay station and being after 5 pm it did not post to my acct on that day causing my acct to go deliquint again. I was not aware of this and aps said they sent me another request for the deposit which I never recieved. To cut through the chase and them knowing I am trying my hardest to get ahead of them I have been making extra effort to try and pay them as soon as I recieved my bill. So when my june bill came in and it not being to high I was able to pay it as soon as I got paid. Well not aware of the deposit they were requesting that was due on july 7th I did not contact them on making arrangements. On july 8th I was shut off and after 5 hours of being on the phone with them again and them saying they cannot turn my electric back on without making at least a hundred dollar payment on the 465 dollar deposit they are requesting or make a full payment on the deposit. It took me 5 hours this time to finally get them to work with me cause I do not have the 100 dollars let alone the 465 extra that they want they turned my power back on with the agreement I have made either this payment or arrangements. Now since they shut me off a bill was issued for my ussage in this billing cycle that I already promissed to pay in full on 7/11 and of course they are going to hit me up on a reconnect fee along with a priority fee after 5pm now they want to milk me for whatever they can get out of me. What they are asking me for I will never be ahead of them to retain a good credit as I was prior to my jobs changing. Like I said I work hard, and being a single father and make sure all my bills get paid every month I due struggle at times and suffer alot. I have lived in my home for 7 yrs now and the 2 times that I have been disconnected on my aps my bill was payed in full and because i got behind 3 times in 1yr billing cycle almost 4yrs ago and struggled on keeping up untill now having a decent making a semi decent wage I have made every effort to get ahead only to have them make me suffer and due to the supply and demand I am at there mercy. You would think 7 yrs and they do get there money from me every month I should not have to spend several hours begging and pleaing to have my electric restored. They have giving me phone numbers to try and get assistance but of course that is a 1st come 1st serve bases and funds are limited. Well if I was desperate to have my bill itself paid it might be ok for me to get this assistance. That money should go to the people who need it and not for greed.

Richard xxxxxxxxx
phoenix, Arizona

Company: Arizona Public Services
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 6023717171
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