United States Postal Service
Closed out po box without notice or warning - returned all my mail to senders

Shops, Products, Services

I have had a post office box for many years at the Latta Road Post Office in Rochester, New York. I always receive a letter prior to my box renewal fee due date. I pay diligently upon receiving it every 6 months. This time, I was not given any notice or bills. I was shocked to find that the incompetent employee in charge of the boxes closed mine WITH NO NOTICE! She returned all my mail for the month to the original senders! This included very important tax documents and severance package documents that were time sensitive and can't be replaced immediately! This UNPROFESSIONAL, INCOMPETENT excuse for an employee should be fired! She should also have to pay back the thousands this is going to cost me! Maybe the government would rather answer to the lawsuit I will bring soon.

Company: United States Postal Service
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Rochester
Address: Latta Road Usps&3445 Latta Road
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U.S. Postal Service
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