Empire Today
Owes money for services rendered

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I had to quit due to incorrect measurements and dishonest management. Out of the last 17 jobs that we were contracted, 12 were measered wrong. Subsequently we had made several trips to complete our jobs. When we have to make an extra trip at $3.77 a gallon for gas, we are supposed to recieve a trip charge ($75) to compansate us for thier mistake.

As of today they owe us for 10 trips and for extra material that we installed. Every time I asked the installation manager (Tim Springs) about the charges he said "The're on my desk, I'll take care of them!". What a lie! Several times in the past year I had to argue with him to get paid for what I did.

The installation manager has never installed flooring professionally and had know idea what he was looking at. How does a person with no exsperience, get a job as a installation manager? I can't count how many times I was told to install a product that shouldn't be installed. All they care about is the check, not the customer! The owner (Glen Sellars) was no better. We were sent to do a carpet job, for a very nice lady.

When we rolled out the carpet, we saw flaws in the rows of the berber. The next day they re-shiped the product with the same flaws, the owner told us to install it anyway, she never notice. Wow, what scum! The customer had paid over $4000 dollars for the carpet and installation.

During a top gun installation meeting one of the installers asked about extra material on a job and what to tell the customer. We were talking about a bad measurement. The owner said " Tell them you brought extra just in case". So basically he said lie! I am not talking about $100 mistake. For example, I installed a laminate floor that the owner measured and when we were complete, we had 9 boxes left. That is about 200 square feet, approxamtely $2000 worth. He told me to keep it in my truck and not to let the customer see them. What a piece of crap!

The owner is so scummy, that when we had problems with a product (Shaw laminate) the Shaw company told him to give a customer a free installation, while assisted by a rep. The scum bag gave it to his father! Not a customer.
I can't even begin to say how crooked this organization is! I recommend staying far from anybody associated with Empire Today!!!

I personally will be seeing them in court!

Company: Empire Today
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Address: Brookfield Circle
Phone: 8005882300
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