Kroger Grocery Chain
Check your receiipt stub carefully

Shops, Products, Services

This chain will advertise "for sale" items but fail to put in changes in computer. Therefore, when you check out, you'll be charged original price. Happens everytime I've shopped there. Also will put sale price under item not on sale, causing consumer to believe items just above sign is for sale. Will advertise such as 14 oz. Container but will only carry 16 or above, sale price will be below that but at check out, you'll be charged much higher price. Also, check for expired dates, that's often what is on sale and will be at the very front of dislay.

Company: Kroger Grocery Chain
Country: USA
State: Mississippi
City: Laurel
Address: 16th Avenue North
Phone: 8006326900
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Smith's Grocery Store
Kroger Smiht's (Kroger) advertises sale price then charges full price

Kroger Store
Rip-off! Customers overcharging at checkout

Dollar General
Won't honor sale price

Smith's Grocery Store
Inspect your receipts every time!

Refused the scanning law for a sale item that rang full price

Grocery Store Prices at register don't match advertised prices

Dillions (Kroger Corporation)
False advertising, fake sales, price bloating
Consumer Report

Tom Thumb
Safeway / Randall's Store frequently does not mark down sale items at the registe

Food Lion
Grocery Store Promtional Sale