False Advertisement of Delivery Intercept

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This is a letter I wrote to UPS in regards to a complaint I had with them:

I would like to know why UPS is falsely advertising your delivery intercept program. According to this advertisement on You Tube: V=o7UP22w72H8. UPS will intercept a package and return it to you or reroute it to another location. Also, according to the dictionary the term intercept means: 1. To take, seize, or halt (someone or something on the way from one place to another); cut off from an intended destination: to intercept a messenger. However, according to UPS' actual policy nothing of the above happens when you need to intercept a package.instead what the customer is left with is frustration and the strong desire to change shipping companies altogether.

Let me explain my situation and why I am so displeased and repulsed by the lies of UPS: I shipped a package out on 4/18; 2 minutes after the delivery man picked up the package I realized that I needed the package to get there on the 24th and not the 28th as scheduled. Now, instead of getting in my car and tracking down the delivery man myself I called UPS and was assured by the first cust svc rep that I could intercept the package and have it returned to me so that I could ship it the correct service to reach its destination by the 24th. However, I could not change my service by just calling up (my first why with UPS) and I would have to call back around 8 or 9pm that night to see if the package had been scanned in yet and get it returned. Ok, somewhat frustrated by the fact that the delivery man scanned it in already in my office but now I have to wait until 8 OR 9 pm to see if I 'catch' it and can get it back I agreed because I was given the assurance that I could in fact, get the package returned to me so that I could change the service to get to the destination faster.

I call back after 9pm and get cust svc rep #2 who tells me that the first rep could've had the driver turn around and bring the package back and didn't know why he didn't tell me that (my second why with UPS), and that I would in fact have to call Saturday morning around 7 am because there is nothing she can do that night to find the package or return it to me. Now, extremely frustrated with the false information I've been given, I forfeit any argument with rep #2 and say OK, I'll call back AGAIN in the morning to get my package back.

I call back in the morning a little before 8 am and speak with rep # 3 who proceeds to file the intercept with my package and I think everything is in the clear. That is, until we get to the part that UPS does NOT really intercept packages like their ad shows, they actually wait for the package to arrive at the destination and then return it to the customer. Now where does the term INTERCEPT come into play here? How is my package being INTERCEPTED if it's still going to its' destination? Can you explain to me why your nifty little ad is showing the customer being able to reroute the package or return it if all I'm being told is that the package HAS to go to its destination until anything can be done? Can you explain to me why, when I know for a fact it stops in at least one warehouse in FL and gets scanned, WHY it cannot be stopped there and sent back to me? Why do you have the term delivery intercept if in fact you do everything else but intercept the package?

Why am I - a loyal customer - having to deal with something that makes no sense whatsoever with a HUGE company such as UPS? Especially in an advanced year of technology? And why am I having to deal with probably the worst customer service I've received in years? Can anyone at UPS explain this to me? Because rep #3 nor her supervisor could explain your backwards policy for 'delivery intercept' and neither one of them could actually send my package back to me.

So what does this leave my company with? This: having to explain to my client the backwards policy of UPS and telling him HE will have to adjust his schedule according to UPS because they will not stand by their customers nor will they honor their 'delivery intercept' ad or promise. I realize that I'm only ONE customer to you and that if and when I take my business elsewhere you will still have plenty of profits to have me washed from your memories in a millisecond but remember this: word of mouth is still a business builder or destroyer and I will make sure to tell everyone of the false advertisement and lies that UPS is putting out there as well as recommend any and all delivery services other than UPS possible - EVEN THE US POSTAL SERVICE.

I'm also in the works of contacting anyone and everyone online that will listen to the frustration I and my company has had to deal with Maybe the BBB would like to listen to me? Maybe a consumer reporter with one of our TV stations down here would like the story? Maybe or maybe not, this story will be posted online for future and current customers of UPS to search and read, that way they can see just how false your advertisement is and how your customer service really does NOTHING for the customers.

This is the obviously automated and impersonal response I received from UPS:

Dear Andrea,

Thank you for bringing your concern to our attention. I apologize for any difficulty you have encountered. With UPS Delivery Intercept, you can maintain control of your packages as they move through the UPS network. This fee-based service for shippers allows you to request the intercept of packages prior to delivery, providing greater flexibility in managing your shipping needs.

Please note, UPS Delivery Intercept is not a guaranteed service. Although you can make the request to intercept your package at any time using your UPS shipping or tracking system, the interception will be made on the day of scheduled delivery. This request does not guarantee that the intercept will occur. You will only be charged if the intercept occurs.

For additional information about UPS Delivery Intercept and steps for requesting an intercept, please refer to the following URL: WT. Svl=SubNav

Andrea, I am truly sorry for any incorrect information you received and the frustration incurred.

Please contact us if you need any additional assistance.

Now isn't there anyone out there that can help me with the false advertisement? Isn't there ONE company within the US that stands behind their customers? Am I the only one angered by how much disregard I've received as a customer?

Largo, Florida

Company: Ups
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Address: 55 Glenlake Parkway, NE
Phone: 8007425877
  <     >  



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