Millenium Limo
Unexplanied overcharged

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In February I schedule my and my husband's bachelorette/bachelor party for 3/1 for a 2008 Escalade they quoted me 687.00, then the people that were attending this party was having a problem with money issues, so I had fax a letter of cancelation on 2/18 this was approx 18 days before the event and to see if they can waive the 250.00 fee they were going to charge me, so on 3/1 the day the event was suppose to happen I called them at 954-473-5942 spoke with a steve asking him if they wavied the cancel fee and he said "no, but I will work with your budget I don't want to take your money for nothing tell me what budget you are working with and I'll see if we can come to an aggreement of a price". So he told me for a lincoln limo 412.00 for 6 hours, so I asked how much would the chyrsler 300 would be and he said 522.00 with a bottle of champign so I said that is a bit to much so I negoitated with him on 460.00 for the chyrsler 300 and he aggree,

Well I got my credit card statement and they charged me 756.00 that is a 296.00 overcharge till this day I am still fighting for the 296.00, I left messages for steve and everything and no return call whats so ever, I finally called one last chance on 4/15 and finally the steve I spoke with answered the phone, I told him the whole conversation we had word for word and asked for my confirmation number and he said we do not have that in the system, then I asked him I need to know why you overcharged me 296.00 and he said I have to go through my credit card company to resolve this issue, I even went through the BBB and they claimed they did not have me in the system and they cannot resolve my issue,
when the girl on 4/1 pulled me up in the system,

This company is a ripe off and I hope they get what is coming to them, The way the economy is now how they can ripe off people for they own benefit and they do not want to give your money back that is rightfully yours. They website is a bunch of crooks!

Company: Millenium Limo
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Davie
Phone: 9544474227
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