Wal-mart Loss And Pervention Officer Coral A Courtsmith
Fallon walmart shoppers beware! Read this it will make you sick and seriously livid

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Please pardon the grammar
it took me some time to write this all out for you all to read

My counter part works graveyard for a casino in the town we reside in and she is in charge of many duties where she is employed on a thursday night she went in to the rest room to clean it and seen a woman who was a customer in the casino doing something that appeared to be using drugs in the rest room she seen the woman and the woman left the casino in a hurry dropping some make up on the floor she picked up the make up and it was brand new and had not been used still with the walmart price scanning bar code on it and put it in her pocket
the woman was not coming back for the make up and she wanted to keep it for her self and she did as if my counter part seen her in the casino again she would have called the police and she would have been answering a lot of questionsthe next day was friday (payday) she cashed her pay check then we sat and played a very short time and after that we left we went to wal-mart to get a few things as walmart is the only major retailer in the area for 60 miles

She did not make much money as she had just started working for the casino so we were really careful with our money cus bills have to be paid first she was looking at some make up at walmart as this is what woman do they were a bit costly so she decided not to get them and sat then down on some clothing in another department as i tell her pay the bills first and if there is anything left then we can do what we want with whats left after the month is over i had went out side to smoke and during this time so i was out side for 20 mins or so i came back in and i could not find her any where and i looked everywhere twice i said to my self ok maybe she went over to safeway next door

I went over there and still nothing i said to myself ok maybe she is in the bathroom so i went back to walmart and when i found her she was crying like crazy standing next to my pickup she told me they had stopped her for shoplifting and took her in the walmart office and searched her purse and found the make up in her pants pocket that she kept from the casino and took it over and scanned it and called the police on her who in turn cited her for the crime aside from the fact that she had 160 dollars in cash in her wallet made no difference to walmart or the city police and she was alone during this whole time or i would have raised holy hell

So clearly she was singled out cus she was alone
she never took her own make up to work at all cus she allways got ready for work in our bedroom and left her make up on the bed cus i would have to move it when i got home to go to bed (i was always on her for this)
when her day in court came (you know so called jury trial where there is no jury what so ever in the court room)

The public defender was more interested in getting a conviction and getting out the door to his lunch break
the only evidence that was there was the make up she picked up off the floor in the restroom at work that they say she stolen no video tape evidence at all
and wal mart has the camera's in the store on at all times but no video evidence was brought to the court trial at all

That was it the loss and prevention officer said you took it and she has been doing this for 15 years so she cant be wrong so boom she was convicted and we were forced to pay a 350 dollar fine that made us live seriously below the level of poverty for months (we were lucky to have top ramen for dinner every other night and i am a type two diabetic so it put my heath in serious termoil if not for my mom i would have been in the hospital in very very serious condition lord love her loving and caring soul to go with out her self to make sure i stayed out of the hospital when you work for a casino you have to be finger printed and you are issued a gaming card and if you get nailed for a charge like this you can lose your job

So she was in fear of this as she knew if she was fired we would have no income what so ever as i cant work due to the fact that i get no medical care what so ever for my diabetes yeah try going from 80 units a day of insulin to 0 units a day of insulin on my mothers grave i know she did not take anything from the store ever
when i seen in the court room where things were going the judge got very upset and he clearly wanted a conviction and that was all that was going to happen no matter if she did the crime or not she was going to be convicted end of story

The judge found her guilty and sentence her on the spot and got up and left the court room as fast as he could as did the public defender as they knew i was in rage that they completely railroaded us for 350 dollars in county court fines

Talk about your civil rights being violated!!!
Before i could look up to tell her to fire the public defender for non performance on the spot
then walmart had the nerve to send us a bill for 100 dollars for restitution for the lipstick the was only 10 dollars nice of them huh?

Like they are going to get a dime of that... NOT!!!
When the loss and prevention officer takes and passes a polygraph test with flying colors proving she did see her take it with out question and did not commit perjury in the court room then i will pay it as i know for the fact of the truth she wont be able to pass the test no matter how many times she takes it since then they have done nothing but harassed me when i am in the store
since i like to stand up for what is right

I have been over charged many times for items at walmart and when i point it out to get someone to do something about it and get the price to be right so that not only myself but anyone else for that matter don't get overcharged

They get a real huge attitude and are very rude about it and they for a time would not make the price right for days till i would point it out to them every single time i was over charged for any item (wonder why they have price scanners? So you can know what the price is) take a notebook with you and record the prices as you shop and see how much you may be getting over charged!!! (i mean it is your money and if you dont stand up for your own money then you are just giving it away to them)
the biggest thing to happen was i am a huge movie fan and i love to buy dvd's from time to time in the 2 for 10 dollar bin there are many types and kinds of films in that bin to pick from and they never sort em right so you have to dig through them to find something good all the time

One day i walked pass the bin and i seen a dvd of house of a 1000 corpse's i only new it was a movie that had marlyn manson in it on the top of the pile for anyone to see (like your 8 to 16 year old minor child)

I picked the dvd up and began to read the back of it what i read turned my stomach sour on the spot!
I took the dvd and went looking for a store manager (who now works at the same casino... Gee wonder why!!!) and i said please read the back of this and she began to then began to handed it back to me and i asked did you read all of it? Yes. And i asked tell me why is this dvd is mixed with dvd's that any child can read? She replied yeah so? I said do you have children? Yes is this a mental image you want your child to have at such a young age??? Three walmart employee's laugh in my face to humiliate me on the spot. For the idea that is a good idea to protect the minds of our children (i am uncle and great uncle more times then i have fingers you don't know when anyones birthday is ya just sing when ever you see cake cus it just makes it easier! So i love kids and will take a stand to protect the mind of a child) i was livid

I said maybe its just me but i wonder why wal mart can censor audio cd's dont you think a dvd like this should not be placed in a bin with childens dvd's for any child to pick up and read? (let alone on the very top of the whole pile) i said i am sorry but a dvd with a dead human beings face on the cover splashed with blood and what looked like sand dont need to be mixed with childrens movies thats just not moral at all! They had continued to place the dvd in that bin till all of them sold out but there has not been any more placed in the bin in some time thank god!!! If you have never seen this dvd please look it up and you choose for your self if you would want your child to read this dvd! There is three adult words no minor needs to learn about ever on the back of it!!!

The point of all of this is adults are not living better nor are the children of the people who shop at walmart
if your a woman leave your make up at home or you may be in the same boat as me and my counter part and taken for your own money that still belongs to me and you in the first place!!!

So if you think wal mart really cares about you or your money or your children

You need to think about the people who were business owners in the town you live in who cant pay their own morgages or feed their own family's cus of wal mart's so called family values has done to people like me and soon you of how they live better on money that belongs to you in the first place and trust me going to a manager wont amount to much at all i have checked and seen them take no action what so ever on many issues i have told them of and this that you have just read aint all of them at all!!! Not by a long shot!
Lord love and bless us all
signed optimus prime

fallon, Nevada

Company: Wal-mart Loss And Pervention Officer Coral A Courtsmith
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Fallon
Address: 2333 Reno Highway
Phone: 7754281700
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