CCS Catalog Shopping Club
Is a Scam! Beware!

Shops, Products, Services

This company is a RIP OFF!!! They tried scamming me into a "credit card" which turned out to be some catalog shopping card, that only cost me a minimum $200.00 to get into... Not only that, but I didn't even sign up for it!!! They state that if I don't call in to cancel, they are going to automatically take the money out of some account which I never set up!!! Rip off, rip off, rip off!!!

Company: CCS Catalog Shopping Club
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.o. Box 17800
Phone: 8007171278
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First National Credit Aka CCS
Scam ripoff

CCA Credit Service - First National Merchant Card - First National Card
SCAM, RIP OFF, Sounds like credit card or Cash on demand but its a merchant card for their products only

Usa Credit
USA SHOPPING CLUB ripped me off for $149.00 for fake credit cart Miami

Platinum Service Opt
First took out $49.95, when found out it was for catalog shopping i declined, then took out $97.00 and denied it internet

First National card, S.M. Skipper
First National Card stold my money & I got ripped off - crs shopping clu

Catalog Favories - Shopping Essentials AP9
Got ripped off 11.95 a month for a membership I didn't sign up for after ordering something from Catalog Favorites!

Ccs Shopping Network
Ripoff, no catalog without activating card

CCA Credit Services Division

USA Shopping Club
I thought I was applying for a loan, then saw my bank account debited $149, no permission.inTERNET

Ccs Catalog Shopping Club