Usa Credit
USA SHOPPING CLUB ripped me off for $149.00 for fake credit cart Miami

Education & Science

USA Credit ripped me off thinking it was for a credit card application; but was in fact a company shopping club at which only you can buy their stuff through their company store. Debited my debit acct. For $149.95 and mailed me a catalog and a activation card. Not a standard credit card as was led me to believe.

Long Beach, California

Company: Usa Credit
Country: USA
Phone: 5624250259
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Usa Shopping
USA SHOPPING CLUB - CCS USA Shopping Club and Their credit card is a big rip-off Nationwide

Usacredit Andusa Shopping Club
Usa credit - usa Shopping Club ripoff Internet nationwide

CCA - First National Card

USA Shopping Club

Usa Shopping Club Usa Platinum Merchandise Card, USAPLATINUM ELITEPLAN
Usa shopping club, usa platinum merchandise card i was approved platinum credit card online shopping with a30 day, my account had 79.95 deducted from it, but the shopping club won, uniontown pennsylvania

USA Credit - USA Credit Card - USA Shopping Club
'WARNING' USA Credit secretly swiped $149.95 from my account. This was done without permission and without notification!

USA Credit And USA Shopping Club
USA Credit, USA Shopping Club ripoff false advertisement unable to find web site false representation of products failed to discotinue debiting account Online Web Site

First National Crdeit
First National Credit Another 43$ sucker in NC

National Platinum Shopping Club
I allowed 99.95 debit from my checking account so that I could rebuild my credit through National Platnum Shopping Club/Card however the site to "shop" does NOT exist!

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First National Card stold my money & I got ripped off - crs shopping clu