CCA Credit Service - First National Merchant Card - First National Card
SCAM, RIP OFF, Sounds like credit card or Cash on demand but its a merchant card for their products only

Business & Finance

Comes as email offering credit card but do not reply cause even if you fill out the form with your name and address and phone and then read their disclosure form and decide no way, they will still contact you by phone and mail do not repeat do not sign or give your approval to these people you will sign your checking account over to them and sign your rights away

Read fine print you lose your right for a lawsuit action to sign is death warrant against all or any actions to file a lawsuit or contacting a lawyer etc unless beware of the words without written consent of you and us! Do you think they will give consent for a lawsuit?

Card is for purchases from them. Their products through their catalog to which they want you to agree to allow them to authorize auto payments and overdraft protection, auto debit for all down payments, full payments for catalog puchases, all minimum monthly and other charges applied to your merchant card, over draft protection allows them to to debit by check draft if ach debits are stopped or not available.

Cash on demand limit to $20.00 TO 150.00 depending on your verified check writting history and annual income you must request on demand cash card. Special approval required for 500 limit to 1,0000 subject verfication proccess of bank statements paychecks 2 current utility bill, income, form of id you have to go through a process before you get any money subject to a lenghty approval process depending on what your asking for

The member card I recieved was for shopping with them directly with out financing of my purchases. The activation fee is for joining their home shopping club that enables shopping from their catalogs without a loan or credit being issued. They are a home shopping club not a credit card company so beware of their ads and emails and do not sign up for you lose your rights and put your checking account in their hands spells trouble more then its worth!

Company: CCA Credit Service - First National Merchant Card - First National Card
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: P.O. Box 460101
Phone: 8002777056
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CCS First National Merchant Card
Ccs first national credit card scam las vegas, nv 89114-7800

Ccs Credit Service Division - First National Merchant Card
Ripoff, fraudulent

CCA - First National Card

Capital Credit Alliance

First National Merchant Card, cca Shopping Network
CCA First National Merchant ripoff

First National Merchant Credit Card (aka-CCA)
First National Merchant Credit Card aka CCA ripoff consumer fraud ripoff

Ccs First National Card

CCA - Aka CCS Aka Credit Service Devision Aka First National Card 1
CCA First National Card 1 CCA CCS Credit Service Devision Aka First National Card 1 total ripoff, I feel so violated, stealling all your money, usless cheep catalog

CCA Catalog Service - First National
CCA Catalog Service Aka First National RIP-OFF!

CCA - First Merchant Credit Card - First National Card
Ripoff receive in mail, credit approved for $6,500, call to activate, have checking accout numbers available for activation, see copy of lette