Gateway International
Scam and cheating!

Shops, Products, Services

Whatever you do if these cold callers call you. They trap you and say that you already have a listing with them and want to renew. I never signed and agreed to anything and yet I get an invoice in the mail for some absorbent amount. I called the customer service and they gave me the run around. Finally I spoke with someone and basically said that I was recorded with a verbal 'yes' and that I could not cancel and it was already rendered. I said, I never signed anything and you do not have my signature of approval and again they said we have a verbal recording stating that you agreed to this. I know I never agreed to do anything without seeing at least a page lay out.

Prior to all of this they kept calling me but with different people. I said I am canceling this I did not approve and they said well we will send it to collections. So, I want to fight this. I am not even sure if they somehow twist things to get you to say yes to your birthday date and clip off what you are actually saying yes to or maybe that you are the owner.

I am very upset about this and I am not even sure if a recording can hold up in court without you knowing you are being recorded. I was actually pleased to see that there are other innocent victims that have experienced the same situation and maybe there is hope that with enough people we can stop this scam. You need at least 20 people to file a class action suit I think. If you have found a way to fight this or get out of it please let me know. These people are crooks and we need to stop them immediately!!!

Company: Gateway International
Country: USA
State: Washington
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