Ice Mountain Water
Company cannot provide service — Charges me for it Internet

Shops, Products, Services

I enjoyed Ice Mountain's home delivery service for about 7 months when, due to employment circumstances, I had to move. I thought it would be no big deal and that I would just inform Ice Mountain about it and we would work it out. I called them up and told them what was happening and they stated to me that they did not provide service to where I was moving to. OK, I said, I guess we'll just have to cancel this contract because you cannot provide me service. "That's correct", said Smug-little customer service guy. "But we will have to charge you $125 cancellation fee". I said, "I'm not cancelling; you guys are. I want the water; you can't give it to me." Needless to say, after speaking to another smug customer service guy, I didn't get anywhere except $125 poorer which was darn near all the money I had left in the bank after moving. Heed my warning consumers... Don"t get their water service!!! They will steal your money!!!

Company: Ice Mountain Water
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Wilkes Barre
Address: P.O. Box 628
Phone: 8006784423
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