Passport To Fun
Co is billing my credit card for services not ordered and not received Des Plaines Illinois

Shops, Products, Services

This company is billing my credit card (and I'm sure thousands of others) for some sort of discounting service. The service was not requested and is unauthorized.

Company: Passport To Fun
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8002119741
Site: passport
  <     >  


Privacy Matters 123
Did not cancell membership when requested to, has kept right on charging me

Carleton Sheets-PEI
Professional Education Ripoff Unauthorized Billing

Passport To Fun
Billed C.C. $20.00 per month w/o authorization. Tagged on to Wal-Mart ad

Unauthorized billing

BusinessMax, Passport To Fun, Vista Print
Ripoff of the unuspecting, vistaprint affiliate con, lying customer service reps, bogus business card scam Des Plaines, Passport To Fun, AOL
Membership renewal I never joined, AOL sign up and, Illimois

PrivacyMatters 123
Privacy Matters 123 Repetitive Billing on Credit Card Des Plaines Illinois

Today I Can
Ripoff unauthorized credit card billing

Passport To Fun And Bargain Network
Stole my card number, Unauthorized charges, fraudulent billing

Vista Print - Passport To Fun
Ripped me of for two months charging me $ 14.95/mo for Passport to FUN