Passport To Fun
Billed C.C. $20.00 per month w/o authorization. Tagged on to Wal-Mart ad


I noticed a $19.95 charge on credit card. Had no idea who this company was or even what they did. I had to get their telephone number from the CC company. Company has never provided me with any infomation nor terms and conditions in writing. Best they can is state they sent me a confirming e-mail (which I never received) and cannot produce a copy of this alledged e-mail.

I supposedly signed up in October and the best a customer service manager (Veronika #5964) can do is "graciously" refund the current charge 1 additional month.

I have never used the service. I didn't even know that the service existed much less what it consisted of. I never scrutinized my card for this charge because I didn't authorize the charge in the first place. The company says they can do nothing about the charges for services they never rendered.

I believe it's FRAUD since they, without my consent, began billing my credit after my response to an Wal-Mart internet coupon for $25.00.

I wonder if Wal-Mart is aware that they are doing this?

Company: Passport To Fun
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Des Plaines
Phone: 8889990557
  <     >  


Very misleading website. Thought the charge was for the passport. It was the charge for their service. This is not a government website and they are ripping people off

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