PrivacyMatters 123
Privacy Matters 123 Repetitive Billing on Credit Card Des Plaines Illinois

Internet & Web

Billing from unknown site - probably due to visiting another site and not reading the fine print, etc. Repetitive billing - promises of cancellation and credit by company not honored.

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Company: PrivacyMatters 123
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8779936264
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Privacy Matters 123
Did not cancell membership when requested to, has kept right on charging me

Freetriplescore15 - Privacy Matters 123 - Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Freetriplescore15 - Privacy Matters 123 Charge my credit card without authorization. No way to contact Privacy Matters to speak to someone without disclosing further personal information

Privacy Matters 1-2-3 / Savings Mart
Privacy Matters 1-2-3 / Saving Mart rip off fraudulent billing Ripoff

Privacy Matters - Privacy Matters 123
Unauthorized charge to my charge card, Adaptive Marketing, Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Charged my credit card account without my permission

Privacy Matters 1-2-3
Ripoff privacymatters, charged credit card without knowledge

Privacy Matters, IK9 Privacy Matters
Unauthorized membership charge

Privacy Matters 123
Unauthorized billing

Privacy Matters 123
Privacy Matters 123 My cancellation request was sent on Oct. 3. Two weeks later they sent me a verification notice, but took out a fee of 29.95 on Oct. 19.

Privacy Matters 123
Unauthorized charges