Weston Transportation
Owner Scott CrackHead! Phony Slush fund. $50.00

Shops, Products, Services

US DOT #: 453243 MC #: 242568
Carrier Operation: INTERSTATE

Biggest Hazard & Driver Money Scam Ever!

In short your hired to be fired: Turnover period 3-4 weeks for smart drivers or 3 months max.

Scott scam: goes like this Big Money Promise to drivers. "Phoney Driver fund"
(his personal drug fund)
Clips $50.00 per week from your check. Up to a $1000 if you stay that long.
Owner asks and forces drivers to run 3,900 to 4,600 miles per week.

(I am making no admissions of ever running: off the books myself).

I will say that
"New Weston drivers" are asks to run around 3,900 to 4,600 per week.

Many do drive that many miles as crazy as that sounds:

They don't use pre pass as that proves drivers are on the road far beyond
What is legal so they never do anything to prove how illegal an operation? They are running.

I should have posted this sooner I did not out of fear of harm to myself from The owner of this company whom seems to have everyone on pay roll from Local cops to you name it.

Zero consideration Is given to driver health rest safety. The force can take many forms. The driver is just expected to drive like a mad man 6 days a week.

They do get you home once a week but that is all they do for you and mostly.

That is because they only hire drivers close to Kansas City.in the short time I worked for this company.

I was asked to break "hours of service"
Are you paid for all those miles? No one ever is.

In fact Owner Scott uses A third party to pay you and he contract states you don't even work for him.

U-work for and are paid by another scammer: people pay system or something like that.

Its a work around this scammer employs.

Its just one more way to cheat the driver. Out of money and shield Owner Scott from law suits. Which I am sure he has had or should have had by now.

I was promised. 36 per mile. I wasn't even paid. 31 per mile.

In fact for the nearly % plus miles. I was forced to drive over my limits by use of threats.

In the form of a PHONY DAC report. Wanting to run legal isn't something Weston Transportation Inc. Understands and they run you down every chance they get.

If you don't do whatever they want. This is the worst place any driver can go.

Much less a new driver who hasn't got any idea about trucking.

Weston tells all brand new drivers that log books are
a joke and they don't care what you turn in because they can always rewrite it.

Well I have a hard enough time keeping logbooks doing it legal. I sure can't keep logs which aren't legal and I don't want to either.

If I can save one driver from ever going to this place to work. Its worth it and it just might save your life in process.

As well as someone elses.
If you do over drive your logbook as they push you do to. They know they can only cover it and jumble the hours so long.

So if you don't mind $300 a week for about 4,000 miles a week they will keep you. If not they will let you go and if you ask for your money they will let you go.

But if youre really smart your gone 3 weeks and without any money.

Anything they can do to force more out a driver they will do. Things they do In this company are just unheard of:

This is the most dangerous company I have ever worked for in my life. I figured out right away this was big rip Off and a danger to the public at large and I wanted to get as far as from them as I could as fast as I could and I did.

Why the DOT hasn't sent a under cover agent in this place to pose a driver I don't know. But had they done so at least one life could have been spared.
More people will die if this "crack head coke head or dope head is allowed to Operate this company

In about 3 weeks I was paid $300. Per week. Up on leaving this rip off company. None of my drive safety protection fund money was ever returned to me.

Scott is the trickiest trickster I have ever met in my life in any line of work.
He no doubt has some sort of a major drug problem. Any one around him very much would notice something is very wrong with this guy.

He hauls mostly Auto parts for Ford out of Clay Como Mo. He brags about having 40 trucks running. He brags about hauling for Ford Motor company for 15 years and the fact he has 40 trucks running but only reports 37 and he brags a lot.

He has a few old men drivers who do run legal and at. 34 a mile but I would guess that is a cover for everything else he does wrong.

Checking Dot records shows: Crashes reported to FMCSA by states for 24 months prior to: 01/12

Type: Fatal 1 Injury: 2 Tow: 4 Total: 7

I knew as I was leaving someone or many would die in the course of working for the Evil ruthless man.

I don't know how DOT will allow this sort of thing of go on and on without putting a end to this shame and Huge Danger to the Public at Large.

Just think a driver leaves Kansas City drives to Detroit and then is asks to pick up a load and drive it all the way back with out stopping to sleep.
If you do sleep a few hours just enough to prevent driving over a cliff.

(Check This out)

Http://ai. Fmcsa. Dot. Gov/SafeStat/CarrierOverview.Asp? DOT=453243&WhichForm=safer

They threaten you with a laundry list of things. No Thanks.

Stay safe drivers and stay away from this company.

Big mac

Http://www.safersys.org/query.Asp? Searchtype=ANY&query_type=queryCarrierSnapshot&query_param=USDOT&original_query_param=NAME&query_string=453243&original_query_string=WESTON TRANSPORTATION INC

Company: Weston Transportation
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: North Kansas City
Address: 1600 Swift Ave
Phone: 8164217895
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Weston Transportation - Scott Schriner
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