Blockbuster Online
Take your money, never send out your movies

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I received an online membership on December 23rd. I clicked on the link in an email sent to me, I created my login account and started choosing movies and entering them into my queue. I noted immediately that there no activity when I saved my queue selections.

On December 27th, I got two emails that my DVD's had been shipped and that I should get them in 1-3 days. The estimated date of arrival was the was the 29th. That sounded ok.

At this point, I noticed that I'd been charged as of the 23rd instead of the 29th. I think they should charge the day they either service the account or get your first DVD.

It's now January 3rd and I still haven't received any DVD's. That means out of a thirty day rental cycle, I haven't received any service for nearly 11 days.

When I did not get my first set of DVD's by the 30th of December, I followed their protocol and reported the problem.instead of refunding me my money, or extending my account start time, they sent out the next two dvd's on my list and erased the two that I never received from my list. WTF? I never got those two, why erase them. And how does sending out the next two solve this problem?

I received emails stating that I should have received the next two titles by today, Jan 3rd, but surprisingly, I did not receive them today, nor do I expect to ever receive them. I expect them to just "send" two more on my list when I report these as not ever arriving. I sent them an email today, demanding a refund or to extend my account's start date until the day that I actually get a DVD.

I also emailed the person that gave me this subscription as a gift, and told them to never buy this for someone because they are better off just flushing the money down the toilet.

Anyway, I'd highly discourage anybody from using their service. The customer service system is terrible. There is no phone support to talk to somebody live about problems like this which makes it really aggravating. Everything is handled via email form letters.

Go with the rival company, I hear its much better.

It disappoints me that it comes to this, because we just had a baby, and we rent movies every weekend since we don't go out anymore, and we always rent from blockbuster, but will now be forced to rent somewhere else out of principle.

Company: Blockbuster Online
Country: USA
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