Charter NONcommunications
Complete non support of services they are charging for

Shops, Products, Services

7 days and counting for downtime of usable internet service. First 4 days proving to tech support that the service is intermittent for not only my connection but my neighbors as well. Then when they agree to schedule an appointment, it is 2 days out. When the tech shows up it takes him 5 minutes to determine the problem is on the trunk line feeding the subdivision and tells my wife he does not have the part on the truck and has to go back to the shop to get it. (6 miles from the house) 28 hurs later I called them to see what happened and after over an hour on hold they agree that they dropped the ball somehow and a Service man is on his way out to repair the service.

5 hurs later after I have have made repeated calls to (1—800 customer service line) to find out about where the service man is I get a call from the local dispatcher to confirm that the service man kept the appointment and the problem was corrected. When informed about the appointment being missed he said he would call the service man to check on his where abouts. My Suggestion was to FIRE him and send another service man out, one who can follow instructions and do the job they were hired for. Now I'm waiting again for either to moon to fall out of the sky or charter support. The odds favor the moon.

Company: Charter NONcommunications
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Gainesville
Address: 1102 Thompson Bridge Rd
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