Sears home services
Don't ever call sears home service customer support!


Scheduled appointment for non-functioning GE washer that was routinely serviced by Sears Home Services less than 2 months ago. Stuff happens. Scheduled for the day after we get home from vacation (read "lots of dirty clothes"). Plan on taking 1/2 day off work. Technician calls at 7:30AM to say that he will be here by 8 or just a little after. No show. At 10:30, I call the customer service #. They say they will call the technician and have him call me. No call. At 11:30, someone with English as their 1st language calls to tell me that I'm next on the tech's list and he is already on the way. They are surprised that he hadn't called me already. Tech arrives at 12:40. Done by about 1PM. Leaves.
NOW IT GETS BAD. Throw a huge load of clothes in and the washer still doesn't work.

Call customer service # at 1:32PM. They state that they will have someone call me to get the tech back out today. Ok.

now it gets worse. 3:45PM: I call again. 20 minutes, then put on hold, then cut off. I call back and ask to speak to a manager. I'm told that I can't and they hang up. 9 minutes. I call again and ask for a manager. She's busy. Put on hold 10 minutes and then cut off.
NOW IT GETS UGLY. Call back. Told it's too late to get the tech back today. Next appointment is 3 days later. "Nothing we can do about that." finally, get a manager. "Absolutely nothing we can do about that." 40 minutes.
NOW IT GETS RIDICULOUS. Try to schedule an appointment on the web site. Spend 10 more minutes IM-ing with a "Specialist" and simultaneously trying to schedule an appointment. The specialist is one of the same people at the call center that I've been spending my day with so far! Obviously, no help there.
NOW IT GETS SUBLIME. After I jump through all the hoops on the website to attempt to schedule an appointment, it tells me that my Master Service Agreement "entitles you to free support from our experienced Technical Specialists. We'll help get your product working again or schedule an in-home visit, if necessary." That's a direct quote. The phone number to call to talk to the "experienced Technical Specialists" is the same number that I've been calling all day!!!
This isn't even half of the story, but I don't have any more time to waste on this. Bottom line: don't ever call sears home service customer support.

now it gets weird. Here's an addendum for anyone who's made it this far: After writing all that above, I saved a copy so that I wouldn't have to write it again on some other site or email (if I could ever find out how to contact someone who cared). When I pressed the Submit button, I had lost my internet connection and would have lost this post, too. Coincidence or Conspiracy? You be the judge.

Company: Sears home services
Country: USA
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