They are stealing my money!

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I had closed my account back in July with Vonage. Last month I looked at my bank account and noticed that we had 2 charges, both totalling $120 and some change. I called to ask why I was being charged, the guy I spoke with said that the lady I closed my account with was not authorized to close accounts, so it was never closed.

I told him it was not my fault it was never closed, I was told it would be and I wanted my money refunded that they just took. Keep in mind that they have not charged my account for the months in between, August, Sept, and October. He said that I would have to write a letter to their main office in New Jersey disputing the billing charges. Plus, since I was never disconnected in July, they are now wanting to charge another $50 to disconnect me now. I told them that I refuse to pay, especially when it should have been done 5 months ago. Their mistake, I should not have to pay another $50 on top of the $120 they just took and are refusing to refund back.

I have since contacted my attorney and bank to handle this matter. This is very disgusting and I am extremely upset. When you call to have something taken care of, it's a shame that they are so inadequate and cannot get one simple thing straight.

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Holmdel
Address: 23 Main St
Phone: 8662434357
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Charged my bank account without permission

Rips off customers and takes unauthorized money from customers accounts. Second account was created and charged without authorization

I am having the same problems with vonage like everyone else

Charges AFTER cancelling my account

Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!

Vonage Corp. Offices 0221-0011005249
Vonage, Vonage Corp. Offices, Vonage won't stop billing me and illegally sent my account to a collection company!

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

Unfair fees, Business practices, Won't even allow you to pay your own account

Unfair Billing Practices Unfair Billing ripoff