Comcast Cable
Bad customer service and record keeping

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I just canceled my Comcast service and they are trying to charge me 100$ for a modem that I dont have! Over a year ago we had moved to a new place and transfered our service. When the comcast guys came to hook our stuff up he said "Oh, you need a new modem cause yours is out of date." And he installed a new one but forgot to take the old one with him.

About three months later we moved again. Our service wasn't working right and they had to send a tech out. He said that our modem might be bad so I got the old one out (cause it worked fine before, and i wasn't trying to hide it from them or anything) and we tried that one. Service still didnt work. LOng story short, some outside wires were messed up and he fixed them and took the old modem with him. The same modem that they say I still have. This was over a year ago and now they want my receipt from the day that the tech was there, lol! Like I still have that.

I have DSL now and have no need to steal a cable modem from them, an out of date one at that. And why does an out of date modem cost 100$? They also called me seven times today, serious, 7.3 times they hung up when i answered, only reason i knew it was comcast was because i called the number back.

Then the same number called again and someone was actually there this time. They asked if they could offer me promotions to stay with the company. Then someone called to ask why I canceled. Then two people called to confirm the appointment to pick up my equipment on Dec. 3 when i specified that I would be bringing it to their office on Nov. 28 3 times already.

Then on my way to the office i called to get the address of the office and it took the lady 11 minutes to find the address, she kept asking for my act. # when all I wanted was the Fresno office's address! Why would she need my act. # for that? They suck bung! My best friend had serious trouble with them too, it took 4 different tech appointments to just get the cable hooked up. They kept showing up then would leave and say ill be right back and never come back. One of them said he had to "Go get a box", I hope he didn't mean a cable box because they obviously didnt have one since they were just starting their service, and that tech never returned. They have promised call backs to bother her and I within a few hours and we never got called back! They have horrible customer service and techs that dont keep good records. Plus I read some rebuttles to other Comcast complaints on here and I swear they pay employees to write that crap because they sounded very fake!!

Company: Comcast Cable
Country: USA
State: California
City: Fresno
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