Deceptive LIES Bait N Switch Bad Service HORRIBLE Customer Service

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See, I love it when Comcast or should I say EX Comcast employee's decide to have a moment of honesty about this company.

Yall, this Company has absolutly taken me thru the ringer! And U people do know that EVERYTHING is the customers fault, right? Comcast ALWAYS deflects any blame or responsibility off them regardless what its about. I actually had this Plant Manager by the name of Benny Logan ask me to email him dictating what my "expectations" of Comcast were because he clearly felt that my expectation were far too much simply because I expected a dial tone EVERYTIME I went to use my phone OR Internet, so I finally emailed him and it said the following...

Dear Mr. Logan,

U asked me to email u fully describing what my expectations are of my service provider (Comcast) and below u will find the following...

1. I want my services to work.

Warm Regards,

Do u know this man actually emailed me back and said "Can u please be more specific"?

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Ft. Wayne
Address: Taylor St
Phone: 2607556272
  <     >  


Brian L. Roberts Was charged over 100$ for installation fees I was never told about. 1st Comcast bill = 448$!

Integretel, FAQ900. comZZ
Too many ripoff victims Spyware is an invasion of privacy Class action suit is needed

NADN - National Audit Defence Network
Ripoff They took $6000 my inheritance money! And said they'd help my husband and I start our own business HAH! They 'lost my file' didn't have info on package I purchased, etc Complete run-a-round and rip off

Unacceptable service

Consumer Report

CapitalOne Financial Corporation
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing

Horrible Comcast experience

Bait and switch on 12 month offer ripoff

Comcast should be ashamed! - Cable and Internet

Comcast should be ashamed!