Direct Tv
Rip off on monthly bills Los Angeles

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I had direct tv for a year and a half. I was late a few times but would always make a payment every month. I would come back to pay my bill but it would be 3 or 4 times than what I expected so I could only pay partial. I paid online what they said was due immediately. Then my tv service would be shut off and I would call the number. It said to pay so much to get it reactivated so I did. When they saw I would do this they made a regular habit. They would turn my services after I made a payment. There were times when I paid them 3 times in one month.

Finally sick of it the last bill was 3 times what it should be I asked for a statement. They never sent me one; in fact they shut off my online bills also. I paid in October and did not have another bill due until Nov 20. The weird thing is they shut me off on Nov 4. I did not have any more money to give them. They charged my debit card and when I called to get the charges refunded they refused. They said my account was permantly cancelled. It was weird how they took the money first and then cancelled my account. They said it was in their agreement; but I never remember reading this.

Now my account is in limbo until this dispute is settled. I am overdrafted by over $100! They have taken a lot of extra money from me. I believe they do this to cover for people who do not pay for their services. They see I pay when shut off so they keep shutting me off every two months. Well I decided to stop playing their games.

Company: Direct Tv
Country: USA
Phone: 8003473288
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