5 hours wasted trying to order a monito

Shops, Products, Services

I had tried to purchase a 28" monitor from Costco. The first order #21935892 I Added a membership and Halo 3 after jumping through all the whoops they canceled the order. So I tried to call them, 30 minutes on hold and I gave up. This added up to 1.5 hours plus the time it took them to cancel it.

So, I went back in and used the old faithful card with a big limit, used all the time for everything, and paid in full each month. The new order number is 21973549. Now, just the monitor because I really didn't want to join something where I can't talk to someone if a problem occurs. Not the best price at Costco just enticed by the great return policy if something wasn't right. Then, they sent me an email and wanted me to contact them. I called the very next day to find out what the problem was. Called as soon as they opened, waited on hold for 1 hr 25 min. Until finally a person picked up. She gave no help and asked if I wanted to take care of it online or talk to the person who sent me the email. I said that I have over 4 hours into trying to purchase this monitor that I would like to take care of it now if I could. She said OK and sent me back to the computer switchboard that put me back on hold again!

3 days have passed and I have well over 4 hours into my book its over 400.00 of my time wasted. So frustrated I could really care less about the Hanns G 28" monitor that I cleared room on my desk for.

I told them I was filing this report and just before sending this in they wrote me and placed the order so I refrained. Guess what, the card worked too. Another week goes by and I watch every day as it is tracked by UPS. Today UPS sent me a letter telling it was damaged in transit! I sent Costco an e-mail and they told me to call them! Their machine said to wait 22 min. Which last time was 1.5 hours! So I just decided to file this instead.

Now I have over 5 hours or 5-700.00 in time out of my pocket and nothing to show for it! This is almost equal to the cost of the product in where I could have just bought it from any place and tossed it out if it didn't work.

Company: Costco
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 8009552292
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