Aarons Rents
Owen Mgr. Julian "credit Mgr" And Staff Called two or more times a day everyday during the week of 1 Oct 07 demanding money starting the day after my mother passed away and stating they did not care that my mom was dead they wanted their money

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I received a phone call from my little sister on Friday Sept 28th stating that it did not look as though my mother was going to live through the night. She has been battling cancer as well as COPD for years. As I was making arrangements to get back to Iowa I received a phone call from Aarons manager Owen. As my bills are paid by my companies accounting Dept I told Owen that I would have to check to see what occured and why they had not gotten their funds. I told him that I would have them call the store and correct this. Well I held up this part of my phone call and contacted my business partner and asked him to look into it. He told me that he would do so as he drove me to the airport Saturday morning. As far as I am concerned at this point this situation is resolved. My business partner contacted them Saturday since the check that was sent on the Monday prior did not make it he agreed to fedex a check on Monday the 1st of Oct 07.

My mother passed away at 5 am Sunday morning at which time I spent the day contacting family as well as the hospice social worker and funeral home.

On Monday we were getting ready to go over to the funeral home to make final arrangements for my mothers cremation, and Aaron's called. I stated that I was on the way to the funeral home as my mother had passed away and that I did not have time at this point to speak to them I would be more than happy to call them later that day or depending upon the way things played out later that week to deal with this situation. It was at this point that the credit manager Julian I recall his name to be, stated and I quote: " I do not care that your mother died, I want our money or product." Well as you can imagine this did not set very well with me and I stated: " I do not believe that you are so uncaring and unfeeling that you actually want to intrude upon my families and my grief. I will call you back when I do now do not call me again." At which point I hung up the phone and hobbled out to the car. I hobbled as I am nursing a broken ankle as well.

They called me back about five minutes later, and started in again and as I was in the car with my sister and my niece I told them that as I stated I would call them back since I was on the way to the funeral home. They once again stated that they did not care that my mom was dead they wanted their money or product.

At this point I used some language that is not used by me and was rather colorful, and told them exactly what they could do with a sharp pointed folded dollar bill and once again advised them not to call me back.

I called my business partner and explained this to him and he stated that he would take care of it and that I was to tell Aaron's if they called back that they were supposed to speak to my legal representation only.

My mothers service was on Tuesday the 2nd of Oct 07 and they contacted me on this day and stated that I was to make arrangements for someone to be at my apartment to pick up the items since they were tired of dealing with me. I told them, to take their request and shove it completely up their corporate backdoor and that I was not going to speak with them further. That I was trying to get to my mothers funeral service and they once again stated they did not care they wanted their product.

This harrasment, and Gestapo type tatics continued by this company for the entire week. They even added a new angle stating that I was not really in Iowa and since I was trying to steal their product this was why I did not answer the door when they came knocking. I actually laughed at this and said that not only I could prove I was in Iowa, I gave them the url to the obit for my mother. And I told them one final time that I was NOT going to speak with them again. Any further communication would be through my legal representative. I called my business partner and informed him of this and he said not to worry.

I find their conduct totally without merit as well as unethical.

Company: Aarons Rents
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New Rochelle
Address: 34 Weyman Avenue
Phone: 9145769700
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