Worldcom Wireless

Shops, Products, Services

It was last year when i call worldcom wireless about my bill to have it cut off because my contract was up and i has to have it fix before i call to get cut so i did not have my phone for to three month so they did not take the time i have it fix off my bill

So they kept on sending me a bill, and when they did cut it off it was three month after i told them to cut it off and then i talk to bob and he told me that i did not call them to have my phone cut,

And then i call and told them to cut off my pages two month ago so my page are still on and everytime I call they keep on telling me that ai did not call them I don't thing it right for a person keep on pay a bill when it out of services.

atlanta, Georgia

Company: Worldcom Wireless
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Scottsdale
Address: P.O Box14191
Phone: 8007384408
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