CIS Worldwide
Take your money and leave you hanging Ripoff Internet nationwide

Shops, Products, Services

I signed up for CIS Worldwide to assist me with my real estate business. Every time I tried to do a direct case number search they took my money for the search and I got an error message that said 'some error, try again later.'

I tried to contact customer service to get a refund and complain, but in order to contact customer service you have to send an email with a 'reciept number' which they don't provide you. There is no address or phone number to reach them. They basically rip you off and leave no way for you to get to them.

I only wish I had done some research before I signed up for the service and I could have avoided this. Hopefully someone learns from my mistake.

Company: CIS Worldwide
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Cis Worldwide
Ripoff, fake company, does not provide service advertised Internet

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