Aarons Sales And Lease
Aarons supervisor cannot read his own contract

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I have a great concern about an employee named Jeff Madrid, during my lease agreement, I had lost my nephew, his response: " Not my problem, I need a payment" Also the person I am a POA to has been diagnosed with a deadly disease, acute, chronic hep c, which requires refrigerated medicine, NOT to mention he has bled in the bed that I am leasing, I am 59 days past due as of today 06/29/07 last night when he called I offered to make payment, JEFF MADRID would NOT take the payment, I have read my contract as well sent it to our Attorney, And I am also forwarding this email to ALL locations even the Owner to let him know of this man's attitude and caring of his customers, as well have already issued a rippoff.com report.

As stated by contract, he MUST accept my payment and stop harassing me, as well, I am NOT at the term of what he would like to repossess the merchandise.

Company: Aarons Sales And Lease
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Parkersburg
Site: shopaarons@aaronrents.com
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Aaron's Sales And Lease In Parkersburg West Virginia
Supervisor jeff madrid ripoff

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