Dish Network
Ripoff unauthorized deduction from checking account

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$833.13 was illegally and unauthorized dedcuted from my checking account. Dish Network removed this money because I had a past due bill of $137.00. My service was interupted on May 31, my bill was not due until July 5. I told them that I would pay the bill and restore service on June 30 when I got paid. They told me that $600 was for the equipment, I already had the dish at the home when we moved in, so that means the 2 receivers I have cost $600? A supervisor could not tell me what the $233.13 they illegally withdrew was for, but is was not to cover my $137 bill and I had to pay the $137 before they would even start a refund for the $833.13 they took without authorization. I gave them my debit card in good faith to set up the account with and charge the inital $49 set up fee, not for them to wipe my checking account out. I now have my check out for rent wich will not go through, plus I have no money to go by food for my 3 little girls, and we have only 3 frozen pizza in the freezer, I have no milk for my kids. I have no money for gas to get to work, my husband who is a musican has no money for gas to get to his gig this weekend so he had to cancel his gig. He has never cancelled a gig in 20 years of playing. This really is the very sad truth.

Oh by the way I am being charged $. 99 a day for the days I didn't even have service. This is a deceptive, illegal practice, they can't remove more money then I owe them for a bill, the very large wirless company I work for was sued for this type of practice 3 years ago and they lost and now have discontinued the practice. I was also not even given the chance or option to have the equipment picked up before they removed this money.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Litteton
Address: 1925 Longmire Rd
Phone: 8003333474
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