Lanie Veal, Kevin Veal, Amy Veal, Little Patch Of Heaven
Dishonest, Negligence, Sold me a pup with Parvo and then sent me a replacement pup with PARVO! Hardwick

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*please read this! Important information on these people that we all need to be aware of! *

Okay, well first of all I found this site today when I checked Kevin and Amy Veal. I wish I would have found it two months ago. I bought a cockapoo puppy from a "Lanie" in Georgia. She never said her last name, rarely signed her emails, and when the puppy was shipped to me, it was signed by a Kevin Veal. The vet certificate was also under the name Kevin and Amy Veal.

The puppy was shipped here in March. When I picked him up, he was dirty and smelled badly. My family noted how he wasn't very playful and running around like most puppies but I just thought it was his personality. He was however very sweet and loving.

The third day he started throwing up and diarrhea. We took him straight to an emergency clinic and he tested positive for parvo. I was devastated and so was my family. We were in and out of vets and did all we could to save him, but there was nothing left to do and his body had very little white blood cells to fight the disease. The vets told us he was in alot of pain and that there was nothing left to do since his body could not fight it so we had him euthenized.

Through the process, Lanie would email and acted soooo concerned. She told me to send her copies of the vet bills and she would help all she could, seeing that our vet bills alone were over $1,600. She emailed me to let me know she would replace the pup and then the emails stopped.

I tried to email her time and time again to ask about the vet bills and the new puppy, but "she did not receive them" were her words. Most of all the communication was done via email.

So TWO MONTHS later when I decided to call her, she answered and said that she received the vet bills and that she would get them and call me back "in 5 minutes". Never happened! Instead, she emails saying that she's shipping me a puppy as if just wanting me to get off her back. I call and leave messages... NEVER calls me back. (She must have caller ID and screening my calls) She never included any information about this puppy when she emailed the flight schedules to me and when I would respond by asking for photos and information, she would not answer. I had no idea what she was shipping me!

I picked up the new pup at the airport and she had NOT paid the shipping which she said she would do. There are NO documents included with this pup besides a certificate saying he can fly which does not mean I'm receiving a healthy puppy.

I try to call her right then in the airport. She NEVER answers. I was calling over and over, hanging up and calling right back. So the lady at the airport calls her, starts leaving a message, and when she starts telling her in the message that they were going to ship it back and she would be charged double shipping ($344.00), she just happened to pick up the phone! She paid with a credit card over the phone. I tried to call her throughout the rest of the day and NO answer of course.

When I got home with the puppy, the pup would not move, could barely keep his eyes open, would not eat, would not walk at all! I was highly ticked off. She had sent me a pup with no documents whatsoever and a puppy that was obviously sick.

I decided to send her a blunt email about the situation and she responded in defense...
She said the documents from the first puppy never showed a parvo test, which it clearly did! She has a copy of a vet's handwriting saying he was diagnosed with PARVO! She was contradicting what the THREE vets said! Come on!

She said since I had him euthenized he might have lived. I am offended tremendously by this. The first puppy, which was a birthday gift for me, was adorable and had the sweetest personality of any dog I've ever been around. I WANTED that puppy as my own and I did everything possible to keep him alive and so did the vets. When I was told that he had almost zero white blood cells fighting this virus, the vets clearly said there is nothing left to do and that he is in much pain. I cried for days including on my birthday. I resent the fact she says something to me like that.

She said she wrote things to me that I didn't respond to. She said she wrote things to me that she did not write. I kept all my emails Lanie! I know what was said and what wasn't!

She included NO paperwork with this last puppy and never gave a reason why. Never answered any of my questions about vet documents from either puppy, the bills, or when I asked questions about this new puppy I received.

She also stated in her email the excuse was that she wasn't home. Her internet and phone lines "have alot of fuzziness on the line and that she gets kicked off the internet all the time." That was another excuse for not responding to emails! I know she received my emails because she would email me with my emails attached! SHE JUST WOULD NOT ANSWER ONE SINGLE QUESTION I ASKED IN THE EMAILS!!!

Keep in mind I picked up the new puppy YESTERDAY at the airport. TODAY my sister in law takes him to the vet and he is diagnosed with PARVO! He came here like this. She once again sent me a sick puppy. Oh yeah, she also said she would fax us the vet documents on this new puppy this morning before we took him to the vet. She NEVER did it!!!

My sister in law, who is taking care of the puppy right now because I can't go through all of this again, spoke with Dr. Dennard at the Gordon Animal Clinic in Gordon, Georgia. This is the clinic that Lanie used to give her health certificates for both of these pups. Both certificates I have received have a Kevin Veal on them. The first one had Kevin and Amy Veal.

The Kevin and Amy Veal have the same address as Lanie Veal. I do not understand why Kevin and Amy are on my vet documents because I have never heard of them in my life. If I am receiving a puppy from someone named "Lanie" than that name should be on the documents and not some stranger's name.

This clinic has dealt with MANY cases of complaints on a Kevin and Amy Veal. The doctor told my sister in law that basically we need to take action against them for sending us this puppy. If anyone has received a puppy from them needs to contact this clinic. The more complaints the better!

We have not spoken to Lanie because she has not emailed us or called us back as of this afternoon. At this time, we are taking all necessary action to make sure she is reported. We are contacting the Dept. Of Agriculture in Georgia and planning to take all legal action necessary to make sure she cannot get away with this anymore.

I don't know how Lanie Veal is connected to Kevin and Amy Veal. BUT THEY ARE CONNECTED! They share the same mailing address! *

I do remember how Lanie didn't have me mail the vet bills to her with her name on the label, but told me to mail it to "Little Patch of Heaven" at the PO BOX that is listed. When she sent papers the first time, they were signed "Little PAtch of Heaven" and her email address is LittlePatchofHeaven. These people are connected and they are ripping us all off!!!

Lanie sells pups on!!! She sales more than just cockapoos. It lists her as lanie with a location of forsyth, georgia!!!

We need to make sure that this does not happen to anyone else! We are taking immediate action and everyone who has been affected by these people should do everything possible to make sure it does not happen again. If you have any information, please let me know.

Company: Lanie Veal, Kevin Veal, Amy Veal, Little Patch Of Heaven
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Forsyth
Address: P.O. Box 1056
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