Members Edge
Billing for voicemail services supposedly signed up for! Internet

Shops, Products, Services

I had noticed a charge of $22.28 on two of my phone bills, the first one I just ignored, did not pay it either, but then the second one came, I tried calling and talking to someone, at Members Edge, LLC 877-448-3232 they are very rude and not helpful at all, I was told when I asked about the charges that I had signed up for voice mail, but my account had been cancelled since I did not pay my bill!

When I asked for a refund they said NO, they do not issue credits (I tried the nice approach first that did not work, then I tried the really pissed off approach, that did not work either). I guess I will wait and see if my phone bill has this charge again next month. But good luck getting anyone to help you, they are like programmed Robots over there, they know you are calling because you are mad, because I would almost guarantee that no one really "Signs up" for their service!

Company: Members Edge
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8774483232
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Members Edge

Members Edge Ild Teleservices Inc 1-800-433-4518
I was billed for a service never ordered complained and got another bill with a late charge Ild Teleservices Members Edge

Member's Edge Voice Mail / Prize
Charged me 23.30 a month on my local phone bill Ripoff

Members Edge Voice Mail
Members Edge voice mail charges BE CAREFUL WITH SURVEY INFO. Members Edge Voice

Members Edge - HBS Billing Services - ILD Teleservices - AT&T
Members Edge - HBS Billing Services - ILD Teleservices AT&T Fraud on the Lines

Members Edge
Had ILD Telservices Ripoff a billing company bill my Verizon Phone bill with charges that I had not authorized

Members Edge, ILD Teleservices
Members Edge ILD Teleservices Phone Bill Charges - $14.95 tax for Voice Mail service that was never ordered. I have never heard of this company, Member's Edge, or it's billing partner, ILD Teleservices. Ripoff

Members Edge, LLC
What an Unsuspected SCAM!

Ripoff Adding charges to phone bill that are not valid

Members Edge Voice Mail
Automatic sign up when taking a survey