Attorney AT Law Third party bill collectors trying to collect on a closed account from CITIBANK ripoff SOUTH DAKOTA

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Allen L adkins using a law firm buys contracts a few cents on a dollar amount.

He gets these report From Experian and other companies that does credits reports, reopening cases.

This case involves Credit card from CitiBank So. Dakota!

The reason I couldn't pay the bill was because they upped the payment from $188.00 a month to $801.00 tripling my intrest rate to 30.740%.

The second month was raised $1434.34 being a senior citizen it was out of my reach.

When first payment was raised called CITIBANK SO. Dakota and told them to stop the credit card that day.

At that time our credit with them was $16,400.

They Lowered the credit to $8,720 dollars. I had credit life insurance with them.

Third exceded $2087.12 they continued to charge my account for seven months causinmg to be over drawn.

They continued charging credshielf premium, payment pass due $39.00, over credit limit $35.00, Finance charge $214.29 and charge periodic rate $36.09

We were never late on any of our premium's until they tripled intrest rates and payments.

We called them and ask them to reduce rates but we never heard from them.

This is When Adkins came in the picture. I disputed his letter asking him to provide me with original signing of said contract which I never received.

The served me with a summons saying i'm being sued.

I sent second letter to Adkins and gave him the same time limit of 30 days. That was in august never heard from him until Jan. With second set of attorneys.

The first set of attorneys was elimanated using that letter head.

Then In Jan. 2007 i get another letter from a second with different attorneys taking me to a Summmary Judgement on Oral hearing.

This is to be in June 7 1:30 pm.

I received consumer CREDIT REPORT FROM saying ths account was closed Remarks Disbute the account/closed by Consumer FCRA date closed 08 2005.

Company: Allen L. ADKINS
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Lubbock
Address: P.O. Box 3340
Phone: 8067967375
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