Consigning Woman
Owner approached me and told me I was in the way of her customers ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I had been shopping in this store for a couple of weeks straight, around the Christmas Season, in 2006. I purchased many items and spent approximately over $450.00 for gifts. I loved the manner in which the shop was set up and found some good buys. One weekend I had to clean out my mother-in-law's apartment and move her into an assisted living home. I had many items that I had brought to the store.

It was on 3/21/07, a Wednesday when I brought my items in. I was told to take some items back, that they would not sell and then I was told to make in inventory list of my items. I had put them on a table outside the shop. I handed in my inventory list to a woman in the shop and was told to keep it—it was for my records. They did not make a copy of the list. I was wondering if they would price my items correctly, but trusted that they would. I had told one of the woman that a bowl I had was from Bloomingdales and that it was valued at $100.

I came back 3 days later to find that I had sold 2 items. One of the items was the bowl. I was told it was sold for $9.99! My profit was 50% of that. The very polite woman at the counter epololgized and gave me advice for the next time. I told her that the woman were busy that day and that I did not want to bother them. She was giving my my cash and mentioned that she would mention it to the owner.

The owner, Maria, came in at that moment and the woman proceeded to tell her my story. The ower was immediatley on the defensive and said "We price them and that's it" I was ok with that, but she would not let it go. I figured, they mispriced that item and I left it at that. I started looking for a piece of jewelery that I had dropped off and found it marked for $5.00. It was old and I did not like it, nor did I wear it. I asked the owner if she thought that was a good price. She said, yes. I was ok with that. I took my list and started looking for my other items and wrote them down as I found them.

The next thing I know the owner approached me and started telling me "if you do not like what we price them at, you should bring your stuff somewhere else" I said, no, that's not true, I think you misunderstood me. She did not stop. She proceeded to accuse me and "mimic" what she descibed as me, looking at the items and not being happy with the prices.

I continued to plead my case, but it was a loosing battle. She was annoyed that I was attempting to locate my items. I told her, that was my right. She then accused me of getting in the way of "her customers". I, at that point took offense and told her so. I mentioned that it was "ok" when I was spending my money. I walked away in shock. I decided to sell my items there, collect my money and never purchase nor sell anything there again.

I then went on the website and found in their policy. Pricing Policy ". If you know the original price you paid. The information would be appreciated" and under "keeping track": "if you would like to have a copy of your consignment list (a list of the items you brought in, included is also their selling price and the date that you brought it in). You can stop bye and pick one up the next time you stop in". I could not believe how I was treated.

Company: Consigning Woman
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Punta Gorda
Address: 6188 Elliott Street
Phone: 9415059701
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