Sprint PCS - RPM Collections
Liars, Fraudulent Billing, Thiefs ripoff

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I had a sprint phone at the end of 2005 and I was having MAJOR problems with costumer service not responding to unexplained charges on my bill, services I ordered not working, snobby costumer service attidudes, etc so I decided to cancel my service with them, so I would NEVER have to deal with them again. I knew I would have to pay the early termination fee, no biggie.

I couldn't pay it all at once so I made payment arrangements with them. I paid it on time. Because I couldn't pay it all at once they sent my acct. To RPM. When I got my taxes back in 2006 I paid RPM and settled my acct. (or so I thought). I did not hear from Sprint or RPM again.

Then Friday March 23 I got a letter saying I stilll owed money only now it is to SKM Collections (for Sprint) for the same acct. It has been paid through RPM and I am so furious that sprint and RPM would be such liars and thiefs. I mean look how many people they have lied to and how much fradulant stuff shows up on everybodys bills.

Company: Sprint PCS - RPM Collections
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Site: sprintpcs.com
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