USHUDSEARCH Difficult to cancel subscription to obsolete information

Shops, Products, Services

This company makes it difficult to cancel the initial $9.95 subscription to real estate foreclosure information. An email to their administrator won't do it. You have to use a special process that is not obvious on their website. The company purposefully makes it difficult to communicate with them. My email messages went without response. The Fraud Department of my bank reversed their charges after investigating.

One purchases a subscription to foreclosure data to obtain the most up-to-date information possible.'s data is so OBSOLETE that most of the houses I checked in Amarillo, TX recently had been sold, then rehabed, and someone was living in them! The data on seven (7) of eleven (11) homes had to have been 90 days out of date.

This service simply compiles and sells information that is publicly available. It might be worth the cost if it were current.

Conclusion: Spend some time to find the information publicly. USHUDsearch charges too much for OBSOLETE AND WORTHLESS DATA.

Company: USHUDsearch
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Annapolis
Address: PO Box 6263
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One Source
Infousa Selling outdated DATA, mailing lists, e-mail address's, refuses to give credit when promised in writing

Data Depot
Data depot, data depot sells bad data! St. Petersburg Florida

Media baby
Matt Kmosko Provides bad outdata and obsolete data
Not worth the money, bad data, poor customer service

This company is a rip off. Sells data that is OLD and in the wrong format-promised credit and never refunded money

Complete Investigation Services
Fraud and scam

Making Rebates difficult

Inaccurate and decptive reporting

Foreclosures Daily, Mike Kane, Mike Parisi
Charges Good money for Bad data

Time Warner Magazines
Charged me for magazines I didnt ask fo