Horrible experience Ripoff 4 sure

Shops, Products, Services

Absolutley a horrible experience! We have been paying 4 months for a service which rarely works! Have 7 documented trips out by our ISP Technician stating our internet is just fine. Have spoken with technical support at Vonage as well as they're "Advanced" technical support with no resolution. I had called within the first 30 days of the trial period at which point I was reassured by the support group it was a minor problem and would most certainly be fixed.

With that being said 4 months later, 10-15 phonecalls to Vonage (which are in the Philippines), 10 phonecalls to my ISP provider which amount to roughly 5-6 hours on the phone, we have still not resolved this problem. I called to disconnect and I was informed that a $90 disconnect fee would have to be paid. I explained the situation to the rep and asked why they felt I owed them anymore than i paid? The answer was simple. They repeated the agreement and said it would HAVE to be paid.

False advertising, Extortion, Entrapment, take your pick. Anyways please do your research and read lots of reviews before signing with these clowns. CNET has a review of 8.5 and they're customer rating is 4.8.. Lol little descrepency I'd say!

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Lakewood
Address: Redwood Dock 1100 Towbin Ave
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Ripoff don't waste your time! Awful voice quality and difficult to disconnect Phone Service

Awful company

VONAGE customer service

Vonage is HORRIBLE

Vonage customer service - vontage telephone service

Vonage Customer Service Representatives Lie to Prevent Cancellation


Vonage continued billing after cancellation ($1733.00)!

Big trouble, false promises

A complete scam - DO NOT USE VONAGE