Dish Network
Ripoff fraudulent billing poor customer service

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I upgraded to dvrs. I sent the old boxes back to them right away. Now for 5 months i have been billed 199.00 for the boxes they already have. They have adjusted my account everytime.

But now they have charged a credit card that wasnt even mine the 199.00 and it was a chargeback. So now i can not use my debit or credit card to pay my bill because of the credit card chargeback. They were no help at all and their "SUPERIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE" hung up everytime they couldnt explain why this happened. So now im punished for 6 month for a problem that they could not fixed 5 months ago. And nobody at dish network can override this in their system. It seems kinda funny to me.

Company: Dish Network
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Littleton
Phone: 8003333474
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