Voice Stream
Ripoff bad billing and customer service

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I wish I would have seen all these reports a year and a half ago. We thought we did our research, thought Voicestream was a good company and a good deal. Boy were we wrong.

We got our phones in Feb. Of 2001 (nokia 5190). We signed up for the family plan, 3000 minutes for 69.99/month. First year things were great.

Around Feb. Of we decided we wanted to upgrgade our phones (they were crappy). When we went to pay our bill and asked about new phones we were told at the voicestream store that all we had to do was call cust. Ser. And let them know what we wanted. They said it would be $45 per phone.

We called about the new phones and were told to get them for that price we had to renew our contrract. They verified our contract info, 3000 mins, 2 phones, 69.99/ month. We agreed.

When we got the phones I went and paid for them, 90 tax and was told no, it was 200. I thought maybe our new bill was due, so i payed. A month later we got a bill saying we never paid for the phone, we only paid our bill.

After looking at the bill, we found that they were only giving us 2000 minutes, they charged us EVERYTIME we checked our voice mail, they charged for customer service calls even. They told us at this point that the plan we had, was no longer available, so we got a different plan. How could they do this without telling us? We called and said we disputed the amount and were told they would look into it. I even went to their web site and filed a complaint that way and never heard back. My hubsband called a few other times, always being told, we will look into it. Now they have turned us over to Southwest Collection Agency.

SCA told me our bill is over $700 and they are taking us to court. I had no luck with the rep i talked to so i talked with a supervisor (think her name was Jane) she wasnt much help either. I tried to talk to her and figure this out. I told her that when I went to the store in Feb. That the girl told me our account balance was 0 after the payment i had just made. I was asked, "What is the problem, why can't you pay the bill?" So I told her we dispute the amount, she said "if you disputed it with them that they wouldn't have turned it over to us" then asked again why can't you send in a payment right now, so I told her why, we have been dealing with a family illness that ended in a death, so I have been paying off a funeral bill so my mother could be buried.

She told me she didn't want to hear my personal problems, she didn't care if I was having a rough time. Then she shouldn't have kept asking why I had no moneey to pay them for their ripoff phone companies bill!

I was then lectured that we shouldn't have gotten phones if we couldn't afford them. We could afford the plan we originally signed up for.

I would be very interested in any information on class action lawsuit regarding voicestream. I find it hard to beleive there isn't one with all the complaints filed here.

I was reading an employee rebutal on some issues with this company. Some of them are real jerks. Where do they find them?

One rebutal was regarding a stolen phone, it said " Say you bought a car recently, brand new, and someone stole it. Is the dealership inclined to give you a cheaper car with a discount? Do you have to stop paying for that car?" Yes you do stop payments usually, at least until the issue is resolved. And no the dealership doesn't give you a new car, but your insurance takes care of that. He works for voicestream, not a car lot, what does he know???

There was a rebutal where an employee told about some of the mistakes they (VS) may have made and what to look into or ask about. Another employee wrote "Oh, and Jenn in Salem... Big Brother always watches these sites. So be careful!" Why is he saying this? Because Voicestream has problems, and they don't want its own employees telling the consumers the truth.

Kansas City, Missouri

Company: Voice Stream
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Kansas City
Phone: 8164531322
Site: www.voicestream.com
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