Food4less - KROGER does not pay employee's on time, yet they expect you to be to work on time. Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

RALPHS store # 165 Woodruff & Del amo blvd. Is the worst place to work for if you have bill's to pay, christmas gift's to buy and even RX medication, that you must have!

I worked 57 hour's my first week and 47 hour's the next plus 8 hour's at an interviewand now 3 week's later they still don't have a paycheck for me! The weekend of Christmas and I need to buy gift's, I have bill's to be payed and I also need to get my son his RX Medication; I told my manager & the manager of the store..."Oh, well you'll get a check next week!" was the only responce I got.

With it being Christmas weekend the payroll/HR department & headquarters is closed, so calling them got me nowhere RALPH is resopnsable for ruining my family's Christmas, late charge's on my bill's and anything that may happen to my son until Ralphs gets me my paycheck.

Ralph's does not care about there employee's need's, but what there employee's can do to care for there needs.

Company: Ralphs
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lakewood
Address: Store # 165
Phone: 5628677281
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Ralphs Grocery Store

Ralphs Grocery Company
The Kroger Co. Refused to Honor Their "Ralphs Rewards Coupons."

Ralphs Grocery
Unsafe Parking Area

Sears Portrait Studio
Ruining My Xmas Presents for 2011 Still waiting on Photos that Where purchase in NOV 2 Weeks Til Christmas

Krogers / Ralphs Grocery
Krogers/Ralphs Grocery Supermarket ripoff to consumers and employees, poor quality Mergers, CA

Bill and Sandy Boyce Layed me off One week before Christams and didnt pay me

Ralphs - Kroger
Checks to Ralphs sent to Credit Restitution with no warning

Evans Expressmarts
AKA Doug Judy Dan and Joan Evans ripoff abused & mistreated Lebanon

Terrible service!

Macy's East Inc