Sonora Grocery Outlet
Grocery Outlet, Saric Enterprises Ripoff Dishonest Hiring Practices Rude Unethical Shoddy Merchandise

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I sent the following letter of resignation to Sonora Grocery Outlet today:

I resign from my position at Sonora Grocery Outlet as accountant and bookkeeper. I can no longer work under the conditions at the store. I feel that I was used to simply get the store caught up on paperwork and that once the store was caught up I was thrown to the side, given very little hours and work to perform, and had what little work I was doing criticized. Also, some days would not give me enough work to perform to pay for the gas money of me driving to the store.

In addition to these complaints, I feel the store is acting unethically in its treatment of the rank and file employees. Many employees that make simple honest mistakes are humiliated in front of others and threatened with disciplinary action. One girl while grieving from the death of her boyfriend and asking for bereavement leave was simply told to get a grip on herself very coldly and harshly. Others were humiliated in front of 3-5 people in the office over mistakes anyone would have made. As someone who takes his spiritual walk very seriously I cannot in good conscience remain at a company that abuses its employees.

I also feel a conflict of interest is present between Debbie Fi* and me for several reasons. She is my cousin and I am currently estranged from my family over my religious beliefs. She is also friends with executives from my former employer that has attempted to blacklist me from getting a job anywhere else.

Debbie has refused to talk to me on the phone several times in the past couple weeks and when I do talk to her I am promptly brushed off. Debbie's treatment of me and others is downright criminal and it is painfully obvious to me that she used me to get the store caught up on paperwork she was supposed to do. She installed Quickbooks on her computer and told me the store would be converting to a Quickbooks system after the first of the year, but little effort has been made in getting the so-called new system worked out, which from my experience is a very time-consuming and complicated process. I am very saddened that Debbie has felt the need to use me in this manner and compromise her ethics.

End of resignation letter

In addition to these things I've noticed other conditions while working there like rudeness, shoddy merchandise, etc. They frequently sell "factory seconds" that enable them to sell merchandise cheaper but with less quality. You're better off shopping at a regular store. I'm making a formal complaint right now to their headquarters in Berkely and I will post an update of how it gets handled.

Company: Sonora Grocery Outlet
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sonora
Address: 685 South Washington Street
Phone: 2095701400
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