Waste our time for weeks and lost all our data in cell phone due to ineficiency ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

My name is Carlos and I'm a very frustrated customer of T mobile. I been boucing from person to person because nobody seem to care about us (Only when it comes to make the payments or else!)

TMobile employees are used to treat people like they are the scum of the earth. Please dont be like one of them. If you know who would care about us customers (We are clients of T Mobile for 4 years now), please send them this email, after all your are part of them too.

The point is that my wife cell did not work for more than 10 day. Have you ever cal customer service at TMobile? Anyway she patientely put so many hours in the phone to try to fix the problem and it only when worse. She have to go to the TMobile Store in two ocasions and waste 2 hours each time plus gas and living my children with the baby sitter.

Then is the trouble of getting my wife full memory card with more than 680 addresses and phones erased for one of those techs at your store

People at Customer services pretend to be concern for this situation and told my wife not to worry that Tmobile will take care of her for such trouble.

Today, when my wife cell phone was reconected after all that somebody told her that tmobile will discount $5.00 form our bill for all the trouble.

That's an insult.

I think that this stituation should be known by the highest persons at Tmobile and also the press.

If Tmobile will send people every time that we are late in payments to bark at our cell phone for the payments and even cut our services, they should be decent enough to recognize al the damaged that I consider close to $2,500.00.

I'm not willing to give up this time and if I have to pay 60.00 to get Tmobile in the small claims court I'll do it.

My telephone is (ror redacted phone for security purposes)

Company: T-Mobile
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma City
Site: www.tmobile.com
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