Ripoff will not cancel account even though I have fullfilled my service agreement Lackwood

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I called Vonage a couple of weeks before the end of my service agreement (one year) and requested that they cancel my account on the last day. A very simple request but obviously too much for vonage. I would have stayed with them but the "phone service" that they supply sucks. It drops calls and half the time doesn't ring in. I thought this was supposed to be a land line. They blamed it on my internet service provider and not having enough bandwidth. I called my sp and they checked everything and there was no problem. I have 10 megabyte service at my home for two computers and that phone service. There is no reason it shouldn't have worked. So They refuse to cancel the service when I called. I told them that it was the end of my service agreement and that they better have something that says I agreed to stay on with them longer than that or I would report them for fruadulent use of my credit card if they charged it again.

So I called the bank cancelled the card and got a new one. They tried to bill the card again and were unsucessful. Now they are saying that I will accumulate charges by the month if I don't pay this last little bit on the account. They also informed me that they will not cancel my account because that is not paid. I asked her if that would keep racking up a bill each month and she said yes. I told her that I had the right to cancel the account and leave the balance to be paid and that I was pretty sure doing what they were planning on doing was illegal. When I asked to speak with the supervisor she refused, which is illegal according to state and federal laws, I asked for a mailing address and again she refuse, I believe this is against the consumer laws too. So Don't go with Vonage it is a scam and you will not be happy. I just wish there was a way to legaly go after them but I don't have the extra cash to throw away.

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Lakewood
Address: 1100 Towbin Ave
Phone: 8662434357
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Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Vonage for a life-time of payments. Wow! And they just go up, and up and up! Bisbee Arizona Internet

I out smarted vonage when i cancelled ripoff california

Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!

Ripoff people by continung to charge fees, even after following procedures to cancel and now I am getting a collection notice. Ripoff Internet

Charged my bank account without permission

Fees and charges

Vonage won't let me Cancel their service, yet they still want my money!

Vonage ripped me off

Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing