Sprint PCS
Ripoff victimized many consumers corruption abused & mistreated

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I am writing to you today regarding the problems I have had as a Sprint Psc customer. My key issues are: I developed severe headaches with the phone use. I received no service and was billed for it. I also was charged for calls I never made. My phone was turned off in February, however was stilled billed for service up until May and I recently received a fee of 150 dollars for deactivating service I was not receiving

As I was a Sprint Psc customer, I first purchased a phone and began using Sprint Pcs service in Hawaii mid September. For the four months I used the phone in Hawaii I had no problems with the service, however I was experiencing severe headaches during and shortly after use.in January when I returned home to Connecticut, I called sprint regarding the headaches and requested to be let out of the contract. My request was denied.

Ironically at the time of my return home, I was not receiving any service on my phone, thus I went to my Sprint store and had a change in service. Despite having new service with a Connecticut telephone number, I was still not receiving service in my area. I made several attempts to resolve this. I was told by Sprint to have my phone checked. As I did, I was told that I needed a new phone which was given to me. Soon after that I went back to the store because the phone was still not working. I was told that one was also no good. The store then gave me yet another phone, this time a different model. Again, I had no service.

To my surprise, during the past two months since I had not been using the phone, I did not get the headaches I did while using it. To test my theory that the headaches were caused by the phone use, I started using my cousins Sprint Pcs phone. Immediately upon doing so, the headaches returned. Once again I contacted Sprint regarding not having service and the headaches. Up until this point I was going along with Sprint attempting to resolve the service issue. However, when I realized what a health risk using the phone posed to me I again requested to be let out of the contact.

On March 27th I contacted Sprint and explained this to them. To my disbelief though I was still receiving a 34.00/ mo service fee for a phone I was not using. Furthermore, the bills I received showed that I was making calls which I never made. Upon addressing Sprint regarding this issue, I was notified that there was never any record of me going to the store receiving two different new phones and leaving my old ones there. I was told that there was no previous record of me even requesting service cancellation. The man I spoke to said that it was very strange that no one made a note of that and he assisted me by doing a fraud check. Apparently someone had been using the second phone I returned. This matter was supposed to be investigated and I was supposed to hear form Sprint regarding it, however I was not. I was told I could not be let out of the contract until I paid for the service and call charges. The man I spoke to also told me to return the phone I had to my nearest Sprint store for a credit. When I tried to do this I was told they would not take the phone back.

Currently, despite how much I have tried, Sprint refuses to help me in anyway. I had no service. I am being charged for service and calls I never made. Using the phone posed a great health risk to me. After receiving a bill for the month of May, I found that I am still being charged for service. This is absolutely ridiculous and has gone way to far.

meriden, Connecticut

Company: Sprint PCS
Country: USA
State: Kansas
City: Overland park
Address: Sprint PCS 6160 Sprint Pkwy Overland park KS 66251
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