Ripoff no fraud security let someone use my credit card then told me I can't stop it isn't willing to cooperate

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I had an account with vonage, I ordered the service, July. At that time, my boyfriend, decided to also order a vonage account to take back to England, where he was originally from, so that we can talk. However, he used MY credit card to order the service, without me knowing. When the Vonage package arrived I wasn't alarmed because I knew he had ordered the service, but when I received my next month's bank statement, I saw there were extra charges from Vonage, (my charge had already been paid).

Being very alarmed I called customer care. The person I spoke to advised me that I was being charged for another Vonage service, however she could not give me any information because it was not in my name. I asked her if my credit card was being used for the bill and she said yes. I asked her if I could cancel my credit card from being used and she said, no, because the account was not in my name. I asked her, so someone can order something using my credit card and I can't even cancel it. She responded yes. I advised her that I was going to report that card lost so that I can't be further charged from Vonage. She said when I did that, the boyfriend would receive an email letting him know that he needed to provide and alternative form of payment. I warned the agent that he might make a lot of calls, thinking he doesn't have to pay, because it's my credit card, she reassured me that I would not be responsible for any calls that he made.

About two weeks later I get an email from Vonage letting me know that I had voicemail from a number that was assigned to the other account. I was very alarmed at this because the only emails I ever received were from my phone number and never had I received any information about his phone number. I called customer service and spoke to three different people. I told them that before I tried to cancel the account before he could even make these calls. They said I wasn't able to cancel the account then, but I can now??? They advised me that he had transferred the account to my name, and that he could do this because he used my credit card "without" my permission, and that I was responsible for his account now. The whole time this was going on the ex was telling me how many calls he had made, how easy it was, and how because the credit card was in my name, and I couldn't cancel the account, there was nothing I could do. His bill is 168.00 Not a lot of money for most people... Whoever, I'm a single mother who works two jobs and every penny counts for me. Not only that, it's the moral of it... Or lack of with Vonage, from reading this site and other's I can see how much Vonage doesn't care about their customers.

I tried over and over to explain everything to customer service and the only thing they would tell me was that I had to talk to the third party who stole my credit card about this and Vonage could do nothing, they would only say that this was a "personal" matter and that I should take him to small claims court. However this isn't some small personal matter. It would cost me more than the bill to take this to small claims court.

This whole thing wouldn't have even happened if they would have let me cancel my credit card from being used after I told them it was FRAUD... Last time I checked it was illegal to use someone else's card without their permission? Vonage told me toight that it wasn't. They take customers "good will" and that people use other people's cards all of the time. IF I used someone else's card I would probably go to jail, or have some bad mark on my criminatl record.

It's time for a policy change at Vonage, and like so many others, I personally wasn't impressed with the quality of the service and the customer service call center. Even though... Beware, just think, someone can open a vonage account in their name, use your credit card info, and according to vonage legal team, there is nothing they can do, when you find out, you can't even stop them from using your card... You can just report your card lost/stolen, and then get stuck with the bill.

I have contacted a lawyer who is really interested in this. If anyone out there has had any similar problems with Vonage please contact me asap. All I want is not to pay for "his" charges and for them to change how they handle fraud being reported on accounts. I'm not out to make money off of this, but something has to be done.

I never thought I would be in this situation. Crediting me back those charges won't bankrupt Vonage, they're choosing to be difficult, and I won't give up., I can be just as difficult right back.
(ROR redacted email address for security purposes)

Florence, Kentucky

Company: Vonage
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Holmdel
Address: 23 West Main Street
  <     >  


Cancelled Vonage May 8 when I got Charter. Vonage still billing Ripoff internet

Do not do business with Vonage - Buyer Beware

VONAGE customer service

Vonage won't let me Cancel their service, yet they still want my money!

Credit card fraud

Vonage ripped me off

Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!

Fees and charges

Vonage America
Vonage will not refund credit balance

Traps customers. They deduct unauthorized payments from your credit card!