Took my money, made me send in all this paper work and no money Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered these phones (2 of them) on family plan at 150.00 bucks a crack... Kept all paper work, followed the rebate to the tee... And it is since May and i have heard nothing...

When i go on site to follow rebate, i get, this being processed it will take 3 or 4 weeks...

Well im tired of waiting!!! I sent the money in good faith I should get my rebate in good faith!!!

Company: Cellphonerebates.com
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 8664243949
  <     >  


Inphonic - cellphonerebates.com
Rebate ripoff

Wirefly.com - InPhonic
Wirefly.com - InPhonic rebate ripoff customer appreciation rebate scam

Wirefly - Inphonics
REBATE rip offs & scams

Wirefly - Inphonics
WIREFLY INPHONICS they will NEVER give your REBATES! They are scamming innocent buyers! Ripoff

Intelenet Wireless - Inphonic - Cellphonerebates.com
Rebate ripoff dishonest fraud

Inphonic, Cellphonerebates.com
Inphonic, Cellphonerebates.com over 6 months - still no rebates - lots of run around

Rebate ripoff stall game is fraud

Wirefly - Whereismyorder.com - cellphonerebates.com - Inphonic - lowermybills.com
Wirefly - Whereismyorder.com - cellphonerebates.com -Inphonic - lowermybills.com Rebate Ripoff!

Wirefly.com - In Phonic - Cellphonerebates.com
Wirefly.com - InPhonic - Cellphonerebates.com rebate ripoff

InPhonic, Rebate Processing Center
Ripoff, runaround, check is on the mail, waiting game