Sears Service Center

Shops, Products, Services

When my 4 year old Kenmore frig stopped working, I called Sears Service Center to come out and fix the problem. When the repairman arrived, he removed the cover in the back of the unit and told me that there was a bad relay. He said this would have to be replaced and he had one in the truck. He told me the part was $48 and the labor would be $168. I had no idea what labor would be involved and he made no mention of how long it would take.

He then went to his truck, came back with the part, installed it, and did the paperwork for me to sign. The problem was from the time I answered the door until he left was less than 20 minutes. That works out to $504 per hour for labor, and they know they have you over a barrel.

Company: Sears Service Center
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
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