Kulas Maids
Totally inadequate service, deceiving, unaccountable, disagreeable, careless, hid mistakes, did not handle the problem competently

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We had used this cleaning service with the hope of creating a mutually beneficial relationship. However, our hope quickly turned to gloom and doom.

Kulas Maids showed total disregard for us as clients. Their service was inadequate at best, some of their employees (hwever, not all) were downright disagreeable, careless, and hid mistakes they had made while cleaning, i.E., the broke a couple of glass objects and instead of telling us about them (because we wouldn't have done or said anything about it anyway), they just "turned the object around" to face another direction so we would not see the broken side. Unbelievable.

While they were working, they would visit and socialize with each other quite a bit. This may be why many absent-minded instances occurred. For example, (1) they threw out our laundry bag with coupons for dry cleaning in it (we keep this upstairs in our bedroom in a special container); (2) they threw away my husband's good summer silk shirt; (3) they piled things on top of the heating vents in the bedroom; (4) they tried jamming food down the kitchen sink instead of the garbage disposal; (5) they did break the kitchen sink faucet - the plastic cover over the metal is cracked and it is difficult to move it from side to side.

Honestly, if it wasn't for one of the ladies, they would have desperately failed Housekeeping 101!

As much as we realize this is not a laughing matter, at times it boardered on watching the Keystone Cops. However, we kept trying, thinking we would run into that "one group" of ladies that would be sent to us consistently so as to create some sort of consistency. We never were able to reach that point.

The final straw was reached when the above all happened together in one day, and no one from the Company would do anything for retribution, or just a sincere apology from an owner would have been sufficient.

However, no such thing. We received two calls. One in response to my first call telling the first person about what had happened. And the second to repeat what had happened to the person who books the cleaning groups. Nothing else. No expression of shock... Nothing. I'm not sure what I expected.

I am very sorry about what happened — much more distressed, actually for the ladies who clean the homes because they obviously are not being taught properly, and they are the ones who are going to suffer in the long run and bear the brunt of these complaints. That is the unfortunate problem here.

Company: Kulas Maids
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Northbrook
Address: 1920 Maplewood Road
Phone: 8475590966
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