OAN Services
Ripoff cramming

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Been getting hit with a $16/mo service charge on my phone bill. Since this is an eBill, I did not notice for many months. Tried to call OAN Services and it circle jerks you ultimately to a message stating to call back during business hours. After investigating OAN on the web, I found this -

Http://www.cpuc.ca. Gov/word_pdf/FINAL_DECISION/11134. Pdf

They are known offenders of "cramming" and yet the telephone company still allows them to bill their customers. I since have filed a complaint with the FCC. I suggest you all do the same.

Company: OAN Services
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Orlando
Site: privacy.com
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OAN Services
Telephone Bill Cramming

Ripoff cramming at last SBC took off charge 2 months after complaint

T-Mobile USA
RIPOFF Fraudulent charges FCC calls this "cramming" and broke their agreement with me

OAN Services
Ripoff cramming fraudulent billing

Ripoff, cramming RIPOFF

Operator Assistance Network
OAN Services Cramming fraudulent charges

ILD Teleservices
Phone Bill Cramming, U.S.A

Com - is adding unauthorized charges to phone bill

Galacy Web Hosting - Integretel - The Billing Resource
Unauthorized Cramming Charges, BEWARE ripoff

Cramming called enhanced billing services by adding bill to verizon invoice for 14.95 plus taxes Ripoff